Friday, December 14, 2012

Time For Prayer, Not Politics

If you ask me...

Today, as with any tragedy, it's not about why the events took place in Connecticut.

If you ask me, it's not a matter of why lawmakers didn't prevent this, why God let this happen, or why friends, family, or mental health professionals didn't see this coming.

If you ask me, it's not about politics, religion, guns, social media, music, video games, journalism, laws, health care, the economy, or anything else being blamed or used to try to explain it.

If you ask me, it's about mourning the lives lost and grieving for those whose lives have been horrifically and permanently altered.

If you ask me, we should pray or meditate or send out positive energy in whichever way we choose. Or, you should go about your daily routine if that's what works for you. We should be grateful we have those options.

If you ask me, we should let our kids know we love them even more than we usually do.

If you ask me, we should recognize that it's about those who are suffering today. It's not about you or me. Theories and debates can wait until tomorrow. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Newsletter to Dad 2012

Hi, Daddy!

I'm sure you've been keeping an eye on things (the way a dad always does), but I wanted to make sure you hadn't missed anything since I wrote to you last yearI actually started this note over the weekend because I had a number of things come to mind that I wanted to get down before I forgot them. (I may have to start a special notebook just to write things down for you!) I know, I know...I didn't write enough letters when I first moved away from home (or since then). I still don't send letters or notes or even many cards to people. But you deserve one. (And this way, nobody has to suffer through trying to read my handwriting.)

Unfortunately, there are a few more familiar faces with you this year. I imagine B, J's mom, looked you up when she got there. You might be able to play a few hands of cards with your old friend V. Or maybe relax by an outdoor fireplace with S, the neighbor "boy." I think you met my dear friend C once or twice. Her mother passed the end of last month. Be sure to introduce yourself to D. You can swap stories about your daughters with each other, and with K's mother, J, who's been there for some time. While you're making the rounds up there, could you also stop in at three particular guardian angels and put in a good word for C, J, and T, all of whom had surgery recently? (Sorry about all these initials! I know you know who I'm talking about, but I don't want to broadcast too much of their business all over the place.) 

But the year wasn't all bad. Can you believe that you're a great-grandpa?! Twice in the same week, no less! They're practically twins. ;-) The next generation of our family has officially begun. Guess that means my boy isn't the "baby" of the family any more!

Speaking of my boy... Did you catch his concert last week? Pretty excellent, if I do say so myself! Sure, I'm biased. But it was truly amazing and enjoyable. I may never know what it's like to be a dad like you, but it's moments like these that really make me feel like a mom, and a proud one at that. He's a lot older than he used to be, if you know what I mean. He's got his temps, finally. We haven't been out practicing as much as we probably should, but we'll get there. We've got his senior pictures, too. Nobody in the family has seen them yet; we've got to give them as part of a Christmas present like we always do. I actually did let J see some of the online proofs. One of the poses had an expression that made him look a lot like his uncle. Sometimes it's easy to see the family resemblance among all of us. And would you believe he's taken up curling?! Talk about family resemblance! This is the first year the school has had a team, and they play in a weekly high-school league. Fun to watch, though they've only had two matches so far.

We finally got a new car last winter (though there wasn't much wintry weather until now). After like 13 years and it starting to show its age, we finally broke down (figuratively) and bought one before we literally broke down. It's a cute little car. I've even driven it a few times to visit Mom and done just fine. Yes, I keep one eye on the weather and the other eye watching for deer. (Hmm...I keep an eye on the road, too. Good thing I'm a "four-eyes"!)

I had my 30-year class reunion this summer. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Lots of familiar faces, though in a few cases I was glad we were wearing name tags. I even got to chat with a guy from grade school who remembered exactly were we lived, especially because he had helped you and Mom get unstuck in the driveway one time during a snowstorm. I remember hearing the story, but I'd no idea who it was that had helped you. I guess you never know whose path you'll cross in your hometown.

One thing I bet you don't miss is election season. This was a particularly intense year! The robocalls with recorded messages seemed endless. Thank goodness for an answering machine, and thank goodness it's done, at least for the time being.

December could be an interesting month. December 12 has been proclaimed "Aaron Rodgers Day" in Wisconsin. You know, 'cuz he wears number 12...and today is 12/12/12. Yeah. We do love our Packers! Keep an eye out for more green and gold than is usual on a Wednesday. And some people think the world is going to end on December 21 because of some Mayan calendar or something. It's become sort of a joke, like you don't need to buy Christmas gifts because the world will end by then. I'm sure you're all getting a good chuckle at that.

I don't have our artificial tree up yet, but I did put up a few lights. Nothing complicated, but it certainly does add some holiday cheer to the outside of the house. I'm pretty sure Mom said J is going to put Santa up on her front door. That's got to be at least as old as I am, right? It's definitely part of what made it feel like Christmas when I was a kid...and it still does. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if people who drive by the house have grown to expect it, too. Our tree, of course, uses the little lights these days. I kind of miss the look of the old-fashioned big bulbs. I remember eyeing up the tree after you'd strung the lights and "deciding" there were too many green ones by that branch, or no red ones on one side. You were a good sport (and a good dad), taking out a hankie so as not to burn your fingers and swapping colored bulbs until we thought it was "just right."

So...those are what you might call the "highlights" of the last year. It would have been better to share them with you in person. (I know you were never much for talking on the phone. Mother and I talk enough to make up for it!) But you know that out of sight in no way means out of mind. You're still thought of and talked about (in a good way!) often. The last two years haven't been the same without you, but life isn't always supposed to be about staying the "same." Things change...they always have...and they always will.

Think I'll go listen to some Christmas music now. B's birthday was last week, so I figured you wouldn't mind. And when I'm checking the sky for Rudolph on Christmas Eve, I promise I "won't breathe." ;-)

Love you, Daddy. Stay with the group!

3/3/32 - 12/12/10