Saturday, October 6, 2012

Weekend, Schmeekend

I intended to write a post with this title about two years ago. I had recently gone out of town for a few days with my best girlfriends. It was our faux weekend getaway. The "getaway" was genuine, but our "weekend" was Sunday through Tuesday. Pick a day, any day!

But for some reason, time got away from me and I never committed our adventures to writing. I wasn't able to go along with them last year, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that we'll be able to travel again this month. (If you're not a woman, I'm not sure you'll fully grasp how special "girlfriend" time is.)

What do I remember from our last trip? I remember riding for maybe an hour to the condo we were borrowing. Barely even got lost! Schlep everything in from the car. (I know it was only two days, but you never know what you might need!) Then we all changed into our snugglies to watch...the Packer game. I know, right? Me, watching a game with the girls. Well, I must admit I wasn't watching it in the strictest sense, but I was keeping up with the action. There was probably wine involved, if memory serves. Time for everyone to choose their bedroom. Sleep tight! Coffee, please. Shopping in the tourist town (mostly window shopping). Back to the condo to make supper. Talk about teamwork! Even I, with my limited culinary skills, found a way to contribute! A little TV, a visit to a local establishment. Bedtime again. More coffee. Pack up and clean up. Into town for lunch, and back on the road.

Now, I'm sure that doesn't sound like much. Even writing it I had to wonder if that's all we did. But with good friends it's not about what you do. It's that you're doing (or not doing) it together. It's about "weaving a tapestry of memories." (They will chuckle at that.) We often laugh at the same things, even if they're not supposed to be funny. We accommodate each other's quirks. We may not fully agree on politics or music or commas, and that's OK. We have so much in common with each other, yet each person brings their own perspective to any situation. Two might offer advice to the third. But it's just as likely that any two will instead give the third a little good-natured ribbing. (I think they will chuckle at that, too.) We've known each other for...let's just say a goodly number of years. Yet I swear that we learn something new in almost every conversation. 

I missed the outing last year. They said it wasn't the same with just the two of them, and I don't believe they said that just to be polite. I know there were certainly some advantages to it being a party of two rather than three. But I also know that...what's a good comparison...a tripod isn't much good with only two legs. There's just a better balance with three. We Skyped (yeah, we're "that" cool) while they were away and I was here so I could still participate. They brought me souvenirs (the best magic wand ever!). There really ain't nothin' like a dame, and we're three fabulous dames!

We're in the midst of planning the next trip. Wait--"planning" might be too strong a word. Sure, there are details like who's bringing what food to cook and which one is bringing a hair dryer. But we don't need any travel brochures or formal agenda. We'll do what we want to do when it suits us. In a case like this, less is definitely more.

It doesn't matter when, or where, or even for how long. Weekend or weekday, lunch or cocktails, restaurant or porch, two hours or two days. As long as you're with your "besties," it's time well spent. 


  1. So very true! I also love that, with my best friends, we can go a a year or more (sometimes much more) but seem to pick up right where we left off when we do connect.

    My favorite line of your piece has to be, "We may not fully agree on politics or music or commas, and that's OK." But you probably could have guessed that if I'd asked you to figure it out. :^)

  2. That's how if feel about time spent with my SISSIES!!!! Ain't nothin' like it!
