Monday, September 23, 2013

Double Milestone

Hooray! This is my 100th blog post! OK, I'll admit that some of my posts have included recycled material from earlier creations, but I still took the time to add an intro and hit the "Publish" button, so I'm taking full credit for a post! I'm hardly prolific, but I'm comfortable with how often I write. Some days simply hold more inspiration than others.

The second milestone? Today is my 50th birthday (cue the horns, singing, and confetti)! No, I'm not afraid to promote myself in this manner, even to the point of revealing my age. Birthdays are something to enjoy! I'll confess it has started as, and will likely end as, a fairly low-key day. I had no plans to cook but instead went to a local joint for a tasty burger and cheese curds. Then I will enjoy the season premiere of "Castle" on TV. I've gotten cards and texts and Facebook posts wishing me happiness. I've got chocolate and cookies and SPAM spread (my mother knows me so well!). For what more could a girl ask?

So I've been wondering. What makes 50 different than 49? Over the last few months I've been wavering about how I would react to hitting this age. Not unexpectedly, there has been anxiety about getting "old." Where did my youth go? At other times, I've felt almost proud, as if I could take credit for being born in the autumn of 1963. Back to a hint of sadness that the years seem to pass so quickly, followed by the anticipation of another new chapter beginning in my life.

A dear friend beat me to 50 by a few months. She shared that when she was concerned about reaching a new demographic check-box, she was told to not worry: Zeros have no value. Becoming 50 (or 30 or 80, for that matter) isn't any different than the last or the next birthday. Sure, there are special greeting cards designed for the "zero" years, but it's still just one more year of living. We sometimes put too much negative emphasis on these 10-year increments. It's a good thing for class reunions, but celebrating ourselves needs to happen much more frequently.

On the other hand, I read another quotation somewhere. I don't recall it precisely, nor can I credit the source, I'm afraid. The gist of it: If you look at a zero, you see nothing, but if you look through it, you can see everything. That makes sense. Instead of staring at a big 5-0, I can take a look at things that brought me here and peek ahead at what still lies ahead. My 50 can be part mirror, part crystal ball. It's all a matter of perspective.

This morning I greeted my birthday on Twitter: Well, hello, 50. I've been expecting you. I have heard a lot about you, but I look forward to becoming better acquainted.

I'm going to try to truly keep that mindset. I'm not worried about turning 50. I'm eager to see what life has in store for a woman "my age." And I hope to not take so long to compose my next 100 blog posts.

One other thing popped into my mind as I was enjoying each of the posts my friends added to my Facebook timeline. It's really a self-esteem booster to receive so many greetings! I was reminded of "It's a Wonderful Life." Clarence the angel reminds George Bailey that " man is a failure who has friends." Today, I suggest that it's also true that no man (or woman) is "old" who has friends. 

Thank you, friends, for keeping me young, even at 50.

Happy birthday to me!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daily Magic

So, I decided to change my profile picture. Alert the media!

Clearly, it doesn't display my face. No witty sayings, no holiday significance. Just a magic princess wand. It was given to me by some very special people at a special time. I don't think I could even explain why it was such a great gift.

But I've used this photo to remind me to look for the magic in life every day, wand or not. Call it a blessing, luck, faith, fate, miracle, or whatever fits into your personal beliefs. 

Magic comes in all shapes and sizes. Maybe it's winning big in the lottery, or perhaps you found a forgotten $20 bill in your jeans. You might get an interview for a job you'd forgotten you even applied for, or you might get an email from a friend you haven't seen in years. Could be a lavish gift, could be an unexpected text when you're feeling down. A butterfly, a new baby, a show of affection, a shooting star, a special song...almost anything can be magical.

Perhaps instead of thinking that each day is filled with the same-old, same-old, I just need to recognize the magic in the everyday.

I think I'll go wave my princess wand now and enjoy how magical it makes me feel.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Arrrrr! Another Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Avast! Here it is, September 19 already: Talk Like a Pirate Day.

I haven't been on Twitter much today to celebrate. I did update my Facebook photo, however, and am viewing my news feed in "Pirate" rather than standard English. Shiver me timbers, I'm not even sure that I have rum in the house! Who hid my rum?

I did make a trip to Menarrrrrrds. Perhaps I'll listen to some Dionne Warrrrrrwick. I could watch some Doctor Who with one of my favorite aliens: Strax, a Sontarrrrrran.

Yeah, I guess I don't have much pirate-speak in me today. A few years ago I tried some puns. I swear I was not enjoying grog at the time! Perhaps not my best work, but I have to participate in the holiday even if it's recycled material.

Be sure to stay away from planks, and have a scurvy day!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I Have Not Forgotten

Yes, my flag is waving off the front porch today. I haven't forgotten. I am reminded to be thankful that I was not there, nor was anyone I know. 

What else can be said? I just reread my post from the 10th anniversary of the attacks. There's nothing new I can add to it.

I doubt that anyone needs a reminder, but learn from the past, be grateful for the present, be hopeful for the future, and...remember.