Saturday, March 25, 2017

What Did I Say While Watching Grimm Tonight?

Some people write about TV shows. They might summarize the plot or offer their personal opinion of the episode. Others write film ratings and reviews. You can find pages and pages of individuals' thoughts on books, games, restaurants, products...just about anything.

Do I want to analyze anything that carefully, much the way I did in my college literature classes? Does anyone want my opinion on anything I enjoy? A day may come, but it is not this day. 

I do have fun, though, tweeting along as I watch TV. I've found lots of other folks who do the same thing. Sometimes it feels as if I'm tweeting into a black hole, but most often there is playful interaction in the twittersphere. And I love getting those interactions! It's almost as good as watching with a group of friends, without ever having to say shhhhhhh!

Want to know what you're missing if you're not following me, ProofingSandy, on Twitter? Here are my Twitter thoughts during tonight's episode of Grimm ("Zerstorer Shrugged" S. 6 Ep. 12). I've watched this show since the beginning, and there is only one episode left. *sigh* If you watched, you'll understand. If not, then you probably aren't going to read any further anyway. 

"You shall break them with a rod." But...but...thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. It all depends who's wielding the rod. #Grimm
7:03 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Lucky that tonight's episode wasn't unexpectedly preempted! "@GrimmWriters: MARCH 24th! Eeeerie #Grimm"
7:09 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

The hitchhiker didn't need a guide. Did he bring a towel? #Grimm #DontPanic
7:16 PM - 24 Mar 2017
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It must be bad if creepy Diana is that scared! #Grimm
7:18 PM - 24 Mar 2017
15 replies 36 retweets 173 likes

Now that was some ancient, biblical #ShirtlessRage. #Grimm
7:20 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes

You never forget your first Blutbad. #Grimm
7:30 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Oh, Monroe. Talk artsy and French to me. Then speak in German some more. #Grimm
7:38 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes

Did he say "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" or "PEEing in the wrong place..."? #Grimm
7:40 PM - 24 Mar 2017
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The devil went down to Portland, he was lookin' for a child-bride to steal. 🎢🎻 #Grimm
7:44 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 0 retweets 4 likes

Is there a petition we can sign to get Wu a well-earned promotion when all this is done? @MrReggieLee #Grimm
7:52 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 2 retweets 1 like! #Grimm
7:58 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes 2! #Grimm
7:59 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

I used to like the @GrimmWriters. Now, I'm not too happy with them. πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΉπŸ’€#Grimm
8:01 PM - 24 Mar 2017
0 replies 2 retweets 5 likes

You'd better believe I'll be checking in the morning to see if I've gotten more Likes. πŸ’“

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Time Flies

Does it? Does time fly? Sometimes it just creeps. Perhaps it marches on. Or maybe, it crawls. 

Tonight we lose an hour in order to "gain" an hour of daylight. I will spend time resetting clocks in the house.

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but 'actually' from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint--it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...time-y wimey...stuff."

Why this seeming fascination with the concept of time? This isn't actually the direction I intended for this post. I'm starting this right around midnight, so that direction is proceeding without GPS. Don't worry. I won't take much of your time.

I simply needed to stop by to commemorate the anniversary of my first blog post on March 11, 2010. So much has changed in seven years, yet so much has not.

How would I summarize the past year or so, based on what I've written? I honored my dad and celebrated my son. I recalled, perhaps even fondly so, some of my nicknames. I was bitten by the PokemonGO bug. I pat myself on the back for what I consider personal social media success. I traveled down memory lane to a time for new friends, and I had to say goodbye to the dearest of "old" friends.

Do I write often, or even regularly? Not really. Nobody's clamoring for my next post. It looks like last year I managed to write about once a month; overall I've averaged twice a month. That works for me. I'd rather write here when the mood strikes rather than when a self-imposed deadline looms. Have I written anything earth-shattering? Life-altering? Ground-breaking? No, and that was never my goal. But I have shared moments of my life with the world at large. Anyone reading any of my posts will get a glimpse into what makes me...ME. And I have given myself a written scrapbook. Good and bad, I can take a peek at any time into, well, any time in the last seven years of my life. 

I may not be able to catch time when it's flying by, but at least I can hold onto a few feathers.

© 2017 ProofingSandy