Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I'd Rather Have Bacon

You've probably heard of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." As defined by Wikipedia (a valid enough source for this type of information), virtually any actor can by linked through their film roles to Kevin Bacon in six or fewer steps. There are games and apps that allow you to type in an actor's name to determine their "Bacon Number" (the number of steps to link them). It's an amusing way to pass the time, and Bacon has a charitable organization based on the idea.

It doesn't take six degrees to link to breast cancer. Four women I know have the disease. Well, that I'm aware of. There are likely more within a step or two. I hope none feel that I'm invading their privacy by sharing some general information about their lives. I'm not naming names. And it's not as if I have an audience of thousands. I just recently realized that it's something that touches more people than I'd imagined.

One is the wife of a former employer. She underwent treatment several years ago and is doing fine now. Two degrees. One is the mother of a dear friend. She suffered through treatment, but the cancer returned and has spread. The prognosis is not good. Two degrees.

Another is a cousin-in-law. I've known her more than 20 years. She was only diagnosed within the last month or two and is currently undergoing treatment. With the help of her sisters, she took a strong, brave step and shaved her head. It is her choice to get rid of her hair. She's not letting the chemotherapy make that decision for her. Two degrees (and three cheers for her).

The fourth is a very dear friend whom I've known and loved for 13 years. I mentioned her mother above. She received her diagnosis within the last two weeks. (Around here it seems that October truly is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!) Treatment options are still being discussed with her doctors, though she has an idea of the route she'll be taking. A full recovery is expected, though it won't be a cakewalk getting there. I'll let the doctor take care of her front, but you can bet we'll have her back! One degree.

Let's see...six degrees vs. one degree. All in all--and even if it's 1,000 degrees--I'd rather have Bacon.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post! The previously mentioned one degreer, would also like to order the Bacon.

    But it helps, more than you will ever know, that the back is being cared for while the front is under construction! Love you!
