Saturday, March 9, 2013

Superstar and Social Media

I watched the film Jesus Christ Superstar the other night (like I do almost every year at this time). Easily identifiable as a a movie from 1973 with the music, the bell bottoms, the fringe, and all things groovy! Yeah, I'm a child of the '70s...and proud of it.

One part of a song by Judas particularly struck me:
If you'd come today you would have reached a whole nation.
Israel in 4 B.C. had no mass communication.

Certainly, the '70s had TV, radio, and newspapers. Lots of ways to spread the message more effectively. But imagine the concept of "mass communication" today in a world of social media! Naturally, the word would have traveled faster and farther. But I'm not going to delve into a religious discussion about how that might have impacted the ministry. I just got to wondering: What would status updates and check-ins have looked like during Holy Week?

Squee! Gonna see Jesus tonight with my peeps. Can't wait! Pics to come.
Peter "likes" this.

"Like" our page to receive special pricing on your Passover meal!

Get Glue
You are watching Jesus speak to his followers.
Congratulations! That's five check-ins, and you've earned this "Jesus Fan" sticker!

Wow! Did not see that coming! #PalmLeaves

Waiting! RT @RealJesus Thanks for coming out, folks! Wait until you see what's next!

I just became the mayor of Jerusalem!

You've just pinned "Matthew" to your "Apostles" board!

James: Philip would like to add you to his professional network. Do you know Philip?

Google +
You just +1'd this page on The Marketplace and shared it with your circles.

Those are just a few examples that came to me easily. There are plenty of other social networks with which I am not particularly familiar. Which ones do you use, and how would you share the events preceding Easter?

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