Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th

The time has come again to celebrate our nation's "birthday." 

There generally isn't cake or gifts. There might be some singing, and there will surely be parties of one sort or another. Fireworks are still a big part of many celebrations. Done right, that can still be an impressive and inspiring sight.

But I know that I can use a reminder of what you might call "the reason for the season." This holiday isn't about honoring any one particular person or group or political belief. It's about honoring the much grander concept of our entire country, with all its faults and imperfections. This is a day that should stir patriotism in the heart of every citizen. It's a chance to step back from politics and media and rhetoric and be grateful for all of the freedoms we enjoy.

I'm not suggesting looking at our world through rose-colored glasses (though some that are red, white, and blue might be helpful). No, our elected officials don't always reflect the wants of their constituents. Our government is far from a well-oiled machine. But we are still free to vote and choose what we think is the best option.

We can voice an opinion that runs contrary to any law or politician and not be tortured for it. Sometimes that leads to what might be considered persecution by others in the community. Yet they enjoy the same freedom to express their opinion.

We have crime and poverty and diseases of the body and the mind. But in general, Americans are getting by. (And everyone is free to debate if "getting by" is really enough.)

Our country isn't perfect, and neither are its citizens. But, gosh darn it, this is my country and I am proud to be an American! It took a lot of courage and sacrifice and hard work to establish a nation such as this. And it's taken a lot of courage and sacrifice and hard work along the way to maintain it. Yes, it will continue to take all of those things in the future, too.

In the morning, I will proudly hang my flag on the porch. For all of our troubles, we shouldn't have to ask:
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

It still waves at my house, on holidays and any day I need a little burst of patriotic spirit.

For at least one day, let's try to put our differences aside and not take for granted this great nation we call home. On this Fourth of July, I will take at least one moment to celebrate my country:

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice
for all.

Happy birthday, America!

P.S. You can read here about the patriotic feelings I had last year at this time.

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