Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Staunch Women

I recently enjoyed my annual trip with the girls. It was the fourth trip, though I, unfortunately, have been able to make only three. (I just know they spent that one weekend talking about me!)

You may ask yourself, because sometimes I ask myself, how can you possibly keep the "weekend" interesting and worthwhile when you've all known each other for so long and regularly talk and spend time together? We don't visit "tourist attractions." We don't go on "shopping sprees." We don't participate in "planned group activities." What do you do with yourselves? 

Actually, part of the trip's allure is that we don't necessarily do anything! Our schedule is very...fluid. We have each spent a good portion of our lives keeping track of events and people and projects. We help ensure people arrive where they're supposed to be at the proper time and having completed what they're supposed to do. So for at least these two days each year, we can sit back and just "be." That is where we're supposed to be and what we're supposed to be doing.

We always watch the Packers game. We chat. We have a glass of wine. We visit just a few of our favorite shoppes. (Believe me, they are not just "shops.") We stop in for a bite or a drink at our favorite establishment. We have meaningful conversations. We repeat as needed. 

Was there anything particularly notable about this trip? We didn't run into any bad weather or into any deer. We didn't spend outrageous amounts of money. We didn't overindulge. (In fact, we always take along too many supplies!)

Naturally, I can't share too much. Most of it wouldn't translate well if you weren't there. And part of the bonding experience is the creation of new inside jokes. But if asked what I brought away from the weekend I would say...

Air quotes, when used in moderation, can still be effective.
Some people are very attached to their pop (or soda) preference.
Even a trusted adviser can steer you wrong when it comes to movie recommendations.
Not everyone keeps a flashlight next to their bed.
The phrase "totes adorbs" seems to sound different depending on the age of the person saying it.

But most of all, I was reminded, in an unexpected way, that we are staunch women (no air quotes required). I don't know if that's because of what life has placed before us or in spite of it. And let me tell you, we've had our share of unexpected...opportunities. We are devoted, steadfast, and strong. As long as we continue to "weave our tapestry" of moments together, we will continue to be so.


  1. Perfect!....except for the typo in the last sentence...aww, so close ;)

    1. Typo? What typo? ;-) You mean the one I "intentionally" placed to see if anyone was reading it carefully? I swear, the hardest material to proof is the stuff I write myself.
