Thursday, June 26, 2014

Am I Becoming a Shutterbug?

I seem to be going through a photography phase. It's nothing serious, really. I'm just using my phone to take pictures when nature's beauty seems to jump out at me. I have an actual camera somewhere. (My son borrowed it, but though it made the trip back from college, I'm not sure where it landed.) 

Nothing planned, nothing posed. More of an, "Ooh, I'd like a picture of that." Perhaps since I've returned to enjoying the beauty of the written word I'm more sensitive to visual beauty, as well. (See what I thought of the last book I read here.) Or maybe it's part of my renewed awareness of the simple magic in everyday life (which I acknowledged to myself here). Of course, springtime is filled with beautiful imagery. We'll see if I can remember to notice the beauty when the snow is covering the ground, too.

My son has been taking art and design classes. Maybe I figure if he can expand his horizons in that direction, so can I. One of my best girlfriends has picked up her acrylics again after several years and is rediscovering her love of painting. Maybe the idea of finding another creative outlet has rubbed off on me.

Whatever the reason, it makes me happy. These aren't award-winning photos. They won't be in a show or a gallery (though some have made it to my Facebook page). But they've captured some beautiful moments for me. And it can't hurt to catch and hold onto beauty when you find it.

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