The day is coming to a close and no particular spark of inspiration struck me to write a stirring, patriotic post. But it's not a day that any American should treat as just another summer day. And you know how I hate not posting on a holiday!
It was a gorgeous day, weather-wise. Perfect for mowing the front yard. Then I decided to use up some mature fruit and made banana bread. I had no desire to fight the crowds downtown for music and food and fireworks. All those years working in the hotel's beer tent gave me my fill of that experience, I think.
I did watch some Captain America on TV. That's patriotic. I also watched a few Twilight Zone episodes on SyFy. I'm not sure how that became a network tradition. The show doesn't really scream "celebration" to me. I suppose, though, that it is a classic American show.
I did, of course, hang out my American flag as soon as I got up this morning. It's the least I can do to show my pride in and respect for my country.
It's so easy to complain about what's wrong with the nation. We're likely all guilty of it every now and then. And who would deny that things don't always work the way the founding fathers intended? Crime, poverty, unemployment. Too many laws restricting our freedoms. Not enough laws protecting our rights. Everyone has an opinion, and it is their right to voice that opinion.
But sometimes, we all need to step back and consider the old "grass is always greener" trap. It's easy to say, "Life would be better if Politician X were elected," or, "It sure would be nice if the government did more of XYZ (or less of it)."
Take a look at the big picture, though. This is still a pretty awesome country to call home. We have our faults, but we don't have an insane dictator who wants only wealth and power. Now, some of you might not even agree with that. But here, it's OK to disagree with your government. You can think whatever you care to think. We have cities that are dangerous, to be sure. But our country is not ravaged by years of constant warfare with explosions and gunfire making it impossible to feel safe for even a moment. Homelessness and poverty are issues across the land, but there are people who try to help with the resources they can find. Be honest: There are a lot of countries in which it would be much less pleasant to live.
The United States is far from perfect. But I hope everyone can, at least for one day each year, be proud to be an American. I am!
Note: I think I expressed my patriotism and pride better in previous years (see posts from 2013 and 2012). I already used up my best material there! I'll try for a new approach to the holiday next year.
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