Thursday, April 17, 2014

Do I NEED Another Social Media Account?

If you're reading this, you already know that I use Blogger to "publish" things that come to mind. Usually I'm just talking to myself out loud (as it were) rather than for an audience, though I truly appreciate the occasional visitor.

I've used Twitter for years (as ProofingSandy). I think at first I was looking for other proofreaders/editors who shared my love for the language. Then I started following celebrities. I even share with friends and family, people I actually real life. I still toss out random thoughts, but most often I'm tweeting during TV shows. It takes some practice to be able pay attention to the episode and to read tweets simultaneously, but it can be a lot of fun to get immediate reactions from other viewers about what's happening onscreen right at that moment. I can't tell you how tickled I was awhile back to get a retweet from PBS about a Sherlock episode which then got another 75 favorites or retweets. I felt "famous" for just a bit. I considered it a virtual, "'Atta girl!"

Naturally I have a Facebook account. This has been great for staying in touch with friends and family members across the country...and those across town, too. Plus, it's provided a way to reconnect with friends from college and high school who otherwise would have faded into merely fond memories. Sure, it has its faults, but I haven't gotten so frustrated that I'm about to delete my profile anytime soon.

I created a profile on LinkedIn years ago, when corporate America was trying to connect without all the grumpy cat (or cute cat) pictures. I haven't felt any tangible benefit from it, but you'd hate to be caught without an online work history, especially when you're seeking employment. I'm sure many people, especially in the sales field, find it extremely valuable.

I've tried Pinterest, but I haven't become too attached. I suppose if I focused some energy in that direction I might like it more. I don't take many photographs or videos, so I wouldn't look for me on Instagram or Vine in the foreseeable future. And I'm OK with that.

A niece had spoken of her fondness for Tumblr. Initially I didn't see the attraction, but I hated to judge without giving it a fair shake. So, I created an account (you can find me as ProofingSandy, A Proofreader Ponders) and looked around. I have to admit that I like it! So far I'm only following a few people, but whenever I log on I'm sure to find something pretty, or cool, or funny, or even thought-provoking. I've learned that some people have way too much time on their hands to be able to create all those animated gifs! But I appreciate the chuckles I get. This site is also a fantastic way to connect with your inner "fangirl." The shows that I watch regularly have enthusiastic fans, so I am never at a loss for posts relating to them. I don't post that often (yet), and I don't have any fancy images to share, but I think I'll be visiting on a fairly regular basis. Interestingly enough, my most viewed post wasn't even about TV, per se. I made a comment about how Sherlock Holmes, as a character, is so much more than any one actor could bring to the role. I've been reading the stories again lately and realized that as much as I enjoy most of the shows and films, the book will always be better. A popular Sherlock-themed Tumblr reblogged my post. From there, it got another 250 interactions. That may not seem like much to those folks who post quality material and post it often. But to me...250! I think that's about as close to my 15 minutes of fame as I'll get, and I'll take it. I consider myself "hooked."

The internet in general, and especially social media sites, have something for everyone. Last year, I wrote about some of the things I enjoy about different social media sites. (You can read that post here.) All of them can be used in whatever way works for you. You can check in hourly or only weekly. You can type whatever you want whenever the mood strikes, or you can lurk in the shadows as an observer. Basically, you get out of it what you put into it. And sometimes, you get out of it a little bit of the unexpected.

Now, just one more check of them all before bedtime. Just one... 

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