Am I celebrating the same way I used to in the "old days"? No, but it's still Easter.
I didn't get a new dress (or hat or gloves, for that matter), but I am wearing seasonal earrings. It's still Easter.
There are no dyed eggs, Peeps, or jelly beans, but we will be eating ham. It's still Easter.
I did not hide any baskets or buy a lily, but I did put up window clings and bunnies. It's still Easter.
I did not attend a church service, but I did watch The Ten Commandments and listened to Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar. It's still Easter.
Our son did not come home for the weekend, nor did we drive to anyone's house for a family gathering. It's still Easter.
It's been a rainy, gloomy day, but flowers are poking through the dirt and there are buds on the lilac bush. It's still Easter.
I am not typically too bold when it comes to discussing religious matters. My faith and relationship with God is very personal to me. (But here I am bringing it up in public!) Regardless of my behavior, it's still Easter. I do believe that Jesus Christ:
... suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty...(I believe in) the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
(from The Apostles' Creed)It is springtime; it is a day about fresh starts and new beginnings. It's Easter! And that is reason to celebrate.
Easter 2013
Easter 2012
Easter 2010
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