Sunday, March 31, 2013


Yes, I do realize that it's March and today is Easter.

Today can be a celebration for lots of reasons and in lots of ways. Last year, I compared Easter to the beginning of a new year. And I've certainly covered the topic of "being thankful" countless times. (OK, actually one, two, three...three times specifically, and probably more than that in passing.)

But Easter, for me, has always emanated such joy, and what goes better with rejoicing than thanksgiving?

I rejoice that spring has finally begun to appear. I have no doubt that the rest of the snow will melt, and the tulips, lilacs, and warm breezes will replace it. As I write this, I've noticed big wet flakes have started to fall. I am not too dismayed. I have faith it won't be around for long!

I am thankful that my loved ones and I made it through another winter. Sure, we had some good old-fashioned snowstorms here, but at least nothing so bad that it shut down the city. My car never ended up in a ditch, did yours?

We can rejoice in our faith. People express their faith in different ways and in varying degrees. Many of us believe that today celebrates the resurrection of our Lord. You may have a different belief system. Your faith in the government or in religion may be shaky. But don't stop believing in someone or something, and by all means, you must always have faith in yourself!

Since it's Easter, perhaps we can be extra thankful for eggs! And for chickens, too, regardless of which came first. Whether they're a favorite all year round or only when they're hard-boiled and dyed, we should remember to be thankful for the little things in eggs.

Have you ever stopped to appreciate color? Easter eggs, stained glass, tulips, our flag...just look around. Colors can have deeper significance attached. But you can take those meanings away and simply marvel at the beauty of the colors that surround us. I'm thankful my life is not in black-and-white.

Chocolate bunnies bring me joy. I admit I may take chocolate for granted, and I would hate to imagine life without it. Does that sound shallow and petty? Perhaps, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy when I get one.

I can be thankful for actual bunnies, too. They're just so darn cute when they're not eating my plants.

What's a popular way to express joy? Music, of course! Trumpets and timpani or your toddler with a spoon and a kettle. Music itself isn't right or wrong. It just is...however you make it or hear it or feel it.

Today can be not just a good day when I feel happy. Today can be a day filled with joy...and thanksgiving. If we can keep that feeling of gratitude every day, perhaps more days can be filled with joy.

I leave you with one of my favorite Easter songs. It's not what you'd call a traditional hymn, but "The Easter Song" performed by the late Keith Green always brings me joy.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's My Blogiversary!

It all started on March 11, 2010.

As I was browsing through my old posts, I noticed the date of my first venture into the world of blogs. I knew it had been "awhile," but I wouldn't have figured it had been "years."

So I have to ask myself: Have I accomplished anything by writing here? What have I talked about? Well, let's take a look at how I've privately tagged my 80 posts. (Each post has more than one tag, so don't even try to make the math work.) I've written something regarding aging nine times. Not surprisingly, that's brought 12 posts where I wax nostalgic or have fond memories. When I think about the "old days," I often think about my family, both when I was a child and now as an adult. My father passed away a little more than two years ago, so there are several posts about Dad and death (in a reflective not morbid sense). Of course, a holiday is a logical reason to share some thoughts. Another dozen have me thinking about women and friendship, because girlfriends are important to me. Sometimes, I just talk about me and the TV shows I watch.

Have I covered everything I mentioned in my first post? Not really. As much as I like "lists," I can't really put a check mark by all of those first-draft topics. Of course, I didn't start blogging to accomplish anything, really. As I think I've said before, I'm not looking for fame or fortune. (Well, I wouldn't turn either down if they came knocking, but this isn't how I would expect to find them.) I write. I guess it's my version of talking to myself.

For now, I'm just going to be proud that my blog isn't one of those things that I started with grand plans and then let slip away. I'll just keep writing to get some thoughts "out there" with no expectations.  Feel free to stop by again when you've got a moment!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Superstar and Social Media

I watched the film Jesus Christ Superstar the other night (like I do almost every year at this time). Easily identifiable as a a movie from 1973 with the music, the bell bottoms, the fringe, and all things groovy! Yeah, I'm a child of the '70s...and proud of it.

One part of a song by Judas particularly struck me:
If you'd come today you would have reached a whole nation.
Israel in 4 B.C. had no mass communication.

Certainly, the '70s had TV, radio, and newspapers. Lots of ways to spread the message more effectively. But imagine the concept of "mass communication" today in a world of social media! Naturally, the word would have traveled faster and farther. But I'm not going to delve into a religious discussion about how that might have impacted the ministry. I just got to wondering: What would status updates and check-ins have looked like during Holy Week?

Squee! Gonna see Jesus tonight with my peeps. Can't wait! Pics to come.
Peter "likes" this.

"Like" our page to receive special pricing on your Passover meal!

Get Glue
You are watching Jesus speak to his followers.
Congratulations! That's five check-ins, and you've earned this "Jesus Fan" sticker!

Wow! Did not see that coming! #PalmLeaves

Waiting! RT @RealJesus Thanks for coming out, folks! Wait until you see what's next!

I just became the mayor of Jerusalem!

You've just pinned "Matthew" to your "Apostles" board!

James: Philip would like to add you to his professional network. Do you know Philip?

Google +
You just +1'd this page on The Marketplace and shared it with your circles.

Those are just a few examples that came to me easily. There are plenty of other social networks with which I am not particularly familiar. Which ones do you use, and how would you share the events preceding Easter?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Grammar Day 2013

I'm not a poet, and I surely know it. But since a Tweeted Haiku Contest has become a National Grammar Day "tradition," I can't resist the urge to throw a few syllables together. I shall receive neither fame nor fortune, but I certainly didn't become a word nerd for the big bucks!

What's that? Yes, I said "Grammar Day." March 4. Every year since 2008. We celebrate all things beautiful about the English language. ("We" refers to any lover of the language.) We laugh, we cry, and we may even diagram a sentence. (Is that even taught in school anymore?)

We remind ourselves that grammar--and spelling and punctuation, for that matter--are all tools to facilitate communication. But that tool is not a sledgehammer used to beat rules into one's head. One man's grammar rule is another man's usage preference. You may be right, but that doesn't mean that another guideline is wrong. Well, unless we're talking about a misused it's/its, they're/their/there, or you're/your. *shudder* Doctor Who once said that time is "like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...time-y wimey...stuff." Language is also fluid, constantly evolving. So educate, coach, guide, and direct, but you will never be able to force the language into your narrow mold.

Back to the topic at hand: These were my attempts at Grammar Day haiku. I wish I'd been able to come up with more. Please...share your own grammar creativity! 

I don't fear haiku.
With the power of grammar
I bravely march forth!

Pandas are shooting
While cannibals eat Grandma.
Place commas wisely.

One awkward phrase is
"Up with which I will not put."
What's right is right, though.

After reading the winning entries here, I am reminded that I am merely an amateur. 

Now go forth and punctuate responsibly!