Thursday, November 22, 2012

Be Thankful

Had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner tonight. Turkey, roast beef, and of course, green bean casserole. Food with family, friends back home...certainly reasons to be thankful.

I know some people have been updating their daily Facebook status with something for which they are grateful. Other people follow a tradition of taking turns at the the dinner table  sharing what makes them thankful. TV movies often have a touching moment where the main character gives a tender speech about how the past year has been so blessed.  But do we need anything so grand? We are often so quick to complain about politics or the weather, gas prices or a sports score. Life is full of "could-a, would-a, should-a." Our lives might not be what we dreamed of as children, but take an honest look at your surroundings. And then compare your life to people on the East Coast recently, or to those in a war-torn country, or to someone just down the street from you. 

Are your eyes open? (Obviously, if you're reading this.) Is your heart beating?
Be thankful.
Are you sleeping under a roof tonight?
Be thankful.
Did you talk to someone else today, either face-to-face or on the phone, or even electronically?
Be thankful.
Did you eat something today? Maybe a big turkey dinner, or maybe just a sandwich?
Be thankful.
Did you have a glass of water, maybe even coffee, soda, or a cocktail?
Be thankful.
Is there a light on where you are? Maybe even multiple electronic devices?
Be thankful.
Did something or someone make you smile today?
Be thankful.
Do you have more than one or two items of clothing in your closet and dresser?
Be thankful.
Do you expect to be around tomorrow?
Be thankful.

Things go wrong sometimes. There are circumstances beyond our control. And at other times, we make mistakes. But that's what life is like. It's a jumble of good, bad, and ugly.

But we had today. And for that, I must always remember to be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!