Saturday, October 23, 2010

Feeling Young AND Old

I recently attended my nephew's wedding. It was a fabulous event! Oddly, it made me feel young and old at the same time.

My little nephew couldn't possibly be old enough to get married, much less date the same girl for eight years. When did he get to be 25? If he's aged, then so have I (though my grandmother was eternally 39). I'm the aunt, and the godmother. I even got to wear a flower to show that I was "important." It was a little strange to not be in the same generation as the bride and groom. I remember attending weddings of my friends, people with whom I'd gone to high school or college. Here, I was in the older group. Sure, my parents were there, and other relatives of that age. But still...I'm one of the grown-ups!

On the other hand, I sometimes feel like one of the "kids" when I get together with the extended family. During the reception, I was sitting with some of my nieces and other folks, average age of about 20. I honestly appreciate that we have some shared interests and can have actual adult conversations. We like some of the same TV shows and movies, and we all spend some time on Facebook. They can chuckle at how slowly I send text messages. But I must be a little bit cool. They insisted I get out on the dance floor for the "cha-cha slide." I'd never heard of it, but it was kind of fun. It's just a line dance where you do whatever the song tells you to do. Nothing too complicated. And I did also participate in the dances virtually required at a Wisconsin wedding: locomotion, hokey pokey, and chicken dance. Another nephew even got me to dance to "Footloose." That's a lot of exercise for me in one evening!

With age, I am also less self-conscious. I wasn't embarrassed when the usher told us--twice--that we had to switch pews. Oops for him! There were two empty pews in front of us during the ceremony. I didn't hesitate to get up with my brother and his wife and other son to sing some of "The Lumberjack Song" at the head table. (The happy couple would kiss only for a song, not for the old-fashioned tinking of the glasses.) And just a few years ago, I'm not sure I would have gotten out on the floor during the "fun" dances. But it didn't bother me! I was surrounded by people I didn't know and by people who love me no matter what. It barely even crossed my mind what any of them might think. (Hey! I'm wearing a corsage! I can dance if I want to!)

You spend years waiting to get old enough to not sit at the kids' table at family gatherings. But with the kids in my family, that is really the fun place to be.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I'll Write Soon

I know, I know. It's been three weeks since my last post. If you've been checking out my blog periodically, thank you. Sorry there hasn't been anything new.

Obviously I haven't gotten into the habit of writing on a daily, or even weekly, basis. I still seem to think I need some sort of "inspiration." And since I don't have a concrete theme or topic, I don't have a laundry list of subject matter.

I'll get better...I promise.